Quatre Quart

It's been a very long time since I baked. Maybe a month or so, could be more then that actually.

Today, I baked, not only because I miss it, I just feel that the time I've spend in the kitchen this morning, lighten up a bit my mood.

And suddenly I remember this quote :

"Looking at the cake baked in the oven just like looking at the future"...There's a lot of meaning that I can relate..

Quatre Quart

Quatre Quart is equivalent to a pound cake. All the ingredients weighed and used in equal amounts.

3 - 4 eggs, weigh without the shell,
(it should be around 200 g and separate yolks and whites)

200g Flour
200g Sugar
200g Butter, melted
1/2 packet of baking powder

Preheat oven 180°C. Greased cake pan, set aside.

In a mixer, creamed together melted butter and sugar until well mixed, slightly pale and smooth texture.

Add yolk one by one into the batter and mix.

Gradually add in flour and baking powder.

Whisk egg whites until stiff and fold in slowly into the batter until ssmooth.

Pour the batter in the prepare cake pan, bake for 30-40 minutes.

Allow to cool on wire rack.


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