Minestrone with a twist

I like soup, i like minestrone but thinking of biting any kind of beans in the soup make me squirmish. I just hate beans in my soup. Real Italian will be cursing me for changing their recipe, heck I don't care..I'm not italian! Years ago, i came up with this changes and DH are really happy with this as he like pasta, meat and veges and wouldn't mind me not putting any beans in any soup well, except chick peas in his chorba (algerian soup) . Everything combine in one bowl of soup. What a treasure..



  1. cali, I also hate chickpeas in my soup but my husband loves it especially in couscous

  2. Hehee..bukan saya sorang ek..tapi chickpeas rebus time kecik-kecik dulu saya suka..dah tua ni tekak mengada-ngada. Coucous takda chickpeas, bukan couscous kaga suami saya


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