Bugnes Lyonaisses

Bugnes Lyonnais
1 1/2 cup flour - add more if the dough sticky
10 g baking powder
1/3 cup sugar
Zest from 1/2 lemon
3 eggs
3 1/2 Tablespoons butter
Oil for Frying
Confectioners Sugar

Melt butter and add sugar. Beat with electric mixer for 5 minutes. Add salt, lemon zest, eggs. Mix well. Add Flour and baking powder and blend well with spatula until the dough forms into a ball. Cover with a dish cloth for 3 hours.
Roll dough out until quite thin, 1/4 ". Cut into rectangles (2 inches by one inch).Dip into hot oil until the dough puffs up. Place on paper towel to let oil drain.

Sprinkle with confectioners sugar
