Food that we ate in KL - yes we do explosed our stomach(s)

Foods That we Ate in Kuala Lumpur Slideshow: Famille’s trip from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Kuala Lumpur slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.


  1. magnifique! heureusement que je regarde tes photos alors que le soleil est couché ;-)
    j'espère que ton sejour s'est bien passé.

  2. Merci Celine, LOL..j'ai la meme effet aussi en preparant les photos..

    Et oui, ca passe trop bien mais trop court. J'ai envoyer ton pacquet quelque jours avant partir, mais vu que c'est ramadhan, je pense pas que tu va avoir le the tres bientot.


  3. je te tiendrai au courant. je te remercie d'avance.
    vendredi, en prévision, je me suis acheté un enorme verre pour boire mon thé tariiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkk !

  4. Un seul mot : GOURMANDE :P


  5. Love the video presentation. And LOVE the pictures!!! There are some food here that we have similiar in the Philippines, like the kangkung, the soya drink and the vegetable crackers... miam miam...just wish Philippine cuisine had more spices like Malay cuisine. Still have the nasi lemak and nasi goreng in my mind. Now if only I could get it off my mind and into my mouth! LOL.

    Do you know if there are any authentic Malaysian restaurants in Paris?! There should be, no?

  6. Ohh, these are nothing compare to you video..i do envy your talent.

    I drooled while preparing the slides..LOL..BTW, malaysian or Philiphines are similar indeed, i saw a kiosk in the food court here selling Philiphines foods and i said to Karim, hey, this look familiar. Like pancit noodle, similar to our fried noodle. How do you prepare the kangkung there? Lucky we can get it here very cheap, 1 dirham a bundle.

    Actually there is chinese malaysian restaurant in 13eme. I think it's called Chez Foong/Fong.

  7. Thanks for the heads-up on the Malaysian resto! 13eme is quite far from here but I will definitely try it when Julien is here.

    don't really know how to cook kangkong, but there are recipes where we fry them (crispy kangkong - coated in cornstarch) or boil them with other ingredients.

    I drooled too, looking at these photos. sometimes i wish there was a machine that could turn photos into the real thing.

  8. Yes, its bit far for you to go alone.

    I normally sauté it with chopped garlic and chili, karim loves it too specially serving with freshly cooked rice. Gosh im really hungry now. Maybe we shud invent a machine together ;)


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