Hey..we are back..

A snap from the hotel where we stayed in Kuala Lumpur

more to come..


  1. Wah! balik beraya ke Hanim? seronoknya

  2. Kak, dah seminggu balik ke Abu Dhabi semula. Tapi sempatlah puasa sehari kat sana

  3. I don't understand what Hanim said, nondègu !
    Nice slideshow; how many grammes did the family put on with that glorious food ?What's the temperature at home now ? it's just about warm here !!

  4. Thank you Tonton...btw, nothing important to understand about :p

    It's about 40C in Abu Dhabi right now..it's very humid and yes, we are melting

    I didn't put any weights but not too sure with Karims and the kids..

    Hey, you're leaving soon to Canada! Have a nice trip..bises

  5. Thanks !I'm in the process of packing my case, which I hate doing,never knowing what I should put in it ! I think i always take too much ! Departure Saturday 13 from Lyons; Eric is taking me there. Love toU4.
    tonton zav

  6. Ahh, the joyous of holiday. Been there done that :-$

    Good luck on packing and send u some photos later


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