May her little soul Rest In Peace

This morning, around 11 am, i reveived an e-mail from the lycée. Apparently, one of a student from the kindergarten section passed away last night.

This afternoon, when we walked home from the bust stand, Louisa told me, Maman, tu sais ma copine Claire, sa soeur est morte hier soir (Mama, you know what, my friend Claire, her little sister passed away last night). Suddenly i remember the e-mail that i received this morning.

I told her that maybe we can give them a condolence card, maybe after the family will be back from France. She looked a bit sad and told me, this is second time my friends family passed away. I remember that too. Laetitia's brother passed away after years of illness.

I hope this little girl don't suffer before she close her eyes. I cannot even imagine if this happen to us.

Goodbye little one, may your little soul rest in peace.
