And that's stand for Save Our Bees..remember few months ago when HB try to cut some branches in the balcony and we found the bees nest? Yesterday, he decided that we had to do something with it, when he said we, he meant him. I told him, I will see you from behind the closed door..no way I want to get bitten by those angry bees..

Smoking the nest (can we say that BTW?)

The bees went berserk and lucky for him this time, he's well prepared. And told me, look, I even got my name badge on my suit, just in case...LOL..

The nest now are well placed in a box, notice the drawing? Rayan said to me, it's a decoration for the bees..Hey, maybe soon we could try the honey!


  1. Ah, so nice to have a man around the house who we can order around to take care of a bee's nest! Nice suit, Karim! ;)

  2. Of course Kala....I feel sooooo gaté hahaha!

    I will tell him that


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