
Still summer?

Since When??

Something warm for your soul

Wordless Monday - Syiok Mac Choc

Another go

I wonder why I didn't try it earlier

Almost gone

May her little soul Rest In Peace

Small little thing

Outing & Hunting Exposition in ADNEC

Malaysian Day in Abu Dhabi

James Bond Wannabe...NOT

I am a good student

Kayfa haaluka....Kayfa haalik

First day of school 2011/2012 - Abu Dhabi

Lucky for him

Few more sleeps and then

But then again..

Selamat Hari Raya & Aidkoum Mubarak

At last

Writer's Block

15 more days to go

Around town - last part of the slideshow for Kuala Lumpur trip

Orchid Garden, Kuala Lumpur (31st July 2011)

Food that we ate in KL - yes we do explosed our stomach(s)

Visit to KL Bird Park

Hey..we are back..

One day of tranquility before moving

Shopping spree

On ne fait pas de meringue sans casser des oeufs

Balik Kampung....oh...oh...oh...

One more day

What Knot to do

Hasselback Potatoes

Never been so easy Banana Bread

Homemade Chocolate and Hazelnut Spread

Cannelés Bordelais

Je ne suis pas une Bretonne..mais...

Page 780, 2757 pages more to go

It's my birthday!!!!!

My newly compiled recipes collection

Wordless Friday

It's baking

Drooling...salivating..why oh why

Minestrone with a twist

Never to late i guess

Fable de la Fontaine a Sorbonne